
Learn all about jCanvas

Mouse Events

jCanvas supports a number of standard mouse events that you can use on most types of jCanvas layers.

Events and animation

When you click the star in the demo below, it will spin.

// Click the star to make it spin
  layer: true,
  fillStyle: '#c33',
  x: 100, y: 100,
  radius: 50,
  sides: 5,
  concavity: 0.5,
  click: function(layer) {
    // Spin star
    $(this).animateLayer(layer, {
      rotate: '+=144'

Multiple layers with events

This example utilizes multiple layers with events attached.

When calling the animateLayer() method, you should pass it the layer object to animate that particular layer. Failing to do so will animate the first layer by default.

// Create five cascading stars
for (var i=0; i<5; i+=1) {

    layer: true,
    fillStyle: '#c33',
    x: 50+(i*60), y: 50,
    radius: 30,
    sides: 5,
    concavity: 0.5,
    click: function(layer) {
      // Click a star to spin it
      $(this).animateLayer(layer, {
        rotate: '+=144'


The mouseover and mouseout events

The mouseover and mouseout can be used separately, or together.

// Hover over the triangle to rotate it
  layer: true,
  fillStyle: '#fff',
  strokeStyle: '#333',
  strokeWidth: 2,
  x: 160, y: 150,
  radius: 100,
  sides: 3,
  mouseover: function(layer) {
    $(this).animateLayer(layer, {
      fillStyle: '#c33'
    }, 500);
  mouseout: function(layer) {
    $(this).animateLayer(layer, {
      fillStyle: '#fff'
    }, 500);
Fish Ladybug Water