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Privacy Policy

This privacy policy serves as a straightforward explanation of how this website collects and handles your personal information. Please note that the term “this website” encompasses:

  • All personal website pages hosted on the domain
  • All web apps, websites, and other projects hosted on all * subdomains

This privacy policy was last updated on August 2nd, 2024.

Secure Connection

Your connection to this website is fully encrypted via HTTPS, including (but not limited to) all stylesheets, scripts, and images. For more comprehensive details, see the SSL Labs report for

Data Stored Locally

The apps on this website use the HTML5 Local Storage and IndexedDB APIs to store user-inputted data and preferences. All of this data remains on your computer, and can be cleared through your web browser. The data contains no personally-identifiable information except whatever information you may enter into the app. To be clear, however, this data is not sent to anyone.

Sharing Features

Some of my apps (like Expressions) have sharing features that work by uploading your content to this website’s server. This content remains on the server and is only stored when you use features like this. If you have shared data you wish to delete, please contact me.


This website uses GoatCounter for privacy-friendly analytics. I only use the collected data to analyze traffic patterns, and none of it can be used to personally identity you on the internet. No information is shared with third parties. Please see GoatCounter’s privacy policy for details about the minimal information they collect.

Contacting Me

If you choose to email me through this website, I will not share your email with anyone else, nor will I use it for marketing purposes.


This privacy policy may change at any time. When changes are made, the date at the top of this policy will be updated.